Lakeville Lodge No. 353
318 North Mangus Dr, Lakeville, IN 46536, USA
Wednesday, May 29, 1867
Ron Clady
Membership Chairman:


Stated Meeting Information:
1st Thursday of the month at 7:30 P.M.,unless falls on National Or Religious Holiday then following Thursday if State Emergency preceding Thursday after order lifted We do not meet in July or August.
About Our Lodge
Founded in 1867, Lakeville Lodge #353 has been a pillar of the Lakeville community for over 150 years. Many local streets and landmarks are named after some of its notable members. The current Lodge building is on Mangus Drive, named after the Honorable Richard W. Mangus, who was a 32-year veteran of the Indiana House of Representatives and 50-year member of Lakeville Lodge.
Lakeville Lodge was founded during the post-Civil War reconstruction when Lakeville Masons grew tired of riding their horses and buggies 12 miles (that's two or three hours travel time) to South Bend Lodge #294. The Grand Lodge of Indiana granted Dispension and Lakeville Lodge began meeting in a room over the General Store and Hardware on Michigan Street in Lakeville.
As a Masonic Lodge, Dispensation it is our goal to carry on the tradition of the fraternities in the community of Lakeville and let our light so shine that the world at large may see and be convinced of its sound effects.
NOTE: Members can find contact information on the Member Portal.
Worshipful Master:
Todd Whitteberry
Senior Warden:
Brian Hoover
Junior Warden:
Dean Shinneman
Harold Rowe
Asst. Treasurer
Ron Clady
Asst. Secretary:
Senior Deacon:
Junior Deacon:
Senior Steward:
Junior Steward:
Eric Seavey
Colton Eads
Scott Ashton
Sage Pryor
Austin Raab
Rod Anders