Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398
650 N Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46204, USA
Tuesday, May 25, 1869
Glenn A. Blackwood, M.D.
Membership Chairman:


Stated Meeting Information:
2 MON - 7:00 P.M., DARK JUL & AUG, if Weather Emergency - 3 MON - 7:00 P.M.
About Our Lodge
The brethren of Mystic Tie Lodge helped to build this city and to make Indianapolis what it is today. From the first master of the lodge and five-term Indianapolis Mayor John Caven, to the prolific architectural firm of Rubush and Hunter, to the “godfather of historic preservation in Indianapolis,” H. Roll McLaughlin, the brothers of Mystic Tie have laid the city’s foundation and shaped its structure with the working tools of both operative and speculative Masonry.
Mystic Tie Lodge moved to its stunning new home in the Scottish Rite Cathedral in December of 2017. The Scottish Rite Cathedral is a masterpiece of architectural design, recognized by the International Association of Architects as “one of the seven most beautiful buildings in the world.” Designated as significant by the National Register of Historic Places, the Cathedral serves as a continual reminder to Freemasons of where we have been and how we got here.
Upon reflecting with solemn reverence and humility on the storied history of the Mystic Tie Lodge, and with admiration of and gratitude to those who lit the way before us, we look forward to a new dawn. Mystic Tie is set to burgeon into a premier lodge in downtown Indianapolis. We helped build this city. We make good men better. We have a bright future before us.
NOTE: Members can find contact information on the Member Portal.
Worshipful Master:
Brandon S. Armacost
Senior Warden:
Philip J. Lambert
Junior Warden:
Jacob M. Clough
Robert G. Spears
Asst. Treasurer
Glenn A. Blackwood, M.D.
Asst. Secretary:
Senior Deacon:
Junior Deacon:
Senior Steward:
Junior Steward:
Gregory L McConaughey
Darren E. McWilliams
Shannon M. Coleman
Devonte Collins
Jacob A. Hochgesang