Tippecanoe Lodge No. 492
773 Walnut St, Dayton, IN 47941, USA
Tuesday, May 26, 1874
Mark Jenkinson, PM,
Membership Chairman:
Andrew Stephens
Stated Meeting Information:
First Thursday of each month unless it is holiday, then second.
About Our Lodge
NOTE: Members can find contact information on the Member Portal.
Worshipful Master:
Andrew C. Stephens
Senior Warden:
Edward Corbin III
Junior Warden:
Matthew T. Bloomer
Walter Watts
Asst. Treasurer
Mark Jenkinson, PM,
Asst. Secretary:
Senior Deacon:
Junior Deacon:
Senior Steward:
Junior Steward:
Jim Taul
Gary McDole
Zachary Bolyard
Lucian G. McMillian
Jerry Land
Richard F. Troxel
Bragg E. McDole
Newsletter | Trestle Board
2023-12 Trestle Board
Thank you for your trust in placing me back in the East for this momentous year. This year we will celebrate the 150th anniversary of our Charter and hopefully land that charter in a new permanent location. I do have a couple of goals for this year that I need your help on achieving:
· A Complete Officer Line – Already complete – We have a full line of officers for 2024. While they are mostly Past Masters, we need to build a firm foundation for the future.
· Masonic Education at Each Stated Meeting (All Year)
· A Year of Homecoming (All Year) – We have lost several long-term members to the stresses of multiple transitions and intense discussions within the lodge. I would like to welcome these former pillars of our lodge back into the
· A Celebration of 150 (Q1-3) – We have the opportunity to celebrate our charter. We will do this in two ways.
o A celebration with adult family members of the charter at a TBD location including a publicly acceptable seven toasts.
o A formal rededication in August – October of the charter by the Grand Lodge Officers
· A Permanent Location (Q1/2) – We will work to finally move our charter to a final location – we will need input on this.
· Updating the Lodge Bylaws (Q3/4) – We need to refresh the bylaws to ensure alignment with current and future practices.
You will notice that new membership is not a main goal for 2024. This is quite purposeful as my hope is we redouble our efforts to be good Masons. If we do this, I am sure that new members will follow.
August 2023 Newsletter 492
Please take a moment to read our June 2021 Newsletter