Scouts BSA & Freemasonry | The Link
Freemasons nationwide have been of great service to the Scouts BSA (formally Boy Scouts of America) by supporting the development of Scouting units, serving as volunteers, and assisting, in forming and sponsoring Scout units based out of Masonic Lodges. The relationship between individual Masons and Scouting, which has existed since the founding of Scouting in America, has resulted in immeasurable benefits for both Freemasonry and Scouting.
There are currently three Masonic recognitions available to Scouts BSA members in Indiana:
For a person recently awarded the Eagle Scout rank, the Indiana Masonic Eagle Award (Learn More)
For the Master Mason involved with Scouts BSA, the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award (Learn More)
For the Master Mason who earned the Eagle Scout Rank from Scouts BSA (Learn More at Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation)
Prestonian Lecture on Masonry & Scouting (Learn More)
The principles inculcated in scouting parallel those in Masonry, as such, many Scouters have continued their journey of personal growth by becoming associated with the Masonic order as adults. In fact, there is no part of the Scout Law and the Scout Promise that is not also found in fundamental beliefs of Freemasonry.
The Grand Lodge of Indiana developed the Indiana Masonic Eagle Award to recognize the achievements of individual Eagle Scouts in the State of Indiana. This award highlights the hard work, perseverance, and dedication of the new Eagle Scout to Scouting. Recipients receive a commendation from Grand Lodge and a letter from the Grand Master.
If you have any questions, please contact eaglescout@ingrandlodge.org.
1) The BSA scout completes all the BSA’s requirements for the Eagle Scout Award and all paperwork is submitted to the local BSA council for review and approval. 2) The Scout is notified of their approval to receive the award through BSA council. 3) The Scoutmaster, local BSA council, or Member from an Indiana Masonic Lodge provides the Scout with the information about the Indiana Grand Lodge Masonic Eagle Scout Award. 4) The Scout downloads the Masonic Eagle Scout Award application and fills in all the applicable information. 5) The Scout selects their preferred Indiana Grand Lodge method of award presentation (Eagle Award Ceremony at his Court of Honor, or Local Masonic Lodge Ceremony) 6) The Scout t submits the application signed by the Scout and Scoutmaster to the Indiana Grand Lodge via email (eaglescout@ingrandlodge.org)
1) Submitted Masonic Eagle Scout Award application is received, reviewed, and approved by the Indiana Grand Lodge. 2) The Indiana Grand Lodge prepares the award certificate and the letter for the Grand Master and Grand Secretary signatures 3) Grand Master signs the certificate and the letter. The Grand Secretary signs the certificate. 4) The Indiana Grand Lodge notifies the presenter of the Masonic Eagle Award presentation package including presentation script and date of presentation. 5) The Masonic Eagle Award Package containing the Letter and certificate is sent to the designated recipient for presentation. The package can be sent to the Scoutmaster or to a Masonic Lodge. 6) The presentation is made at a designated ceremony by a member of a local lodge or designated Indiana Grand Lodge presenter.


The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is an honor due to the countless Freemasons who practice the ideals of Freemasonry and act as role models to the young men who are part of one of our nation’s most outstanding youth organizations. The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Award not only supports the Masonic relationship through the man who brought Scouting to America, but proclaims the integrity of the Freemason who is honored by receiving the award.
This award was created by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania with the approval of the Boy Scouts of America as a national Masonic Scouter award and will be administered by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania as a service to all other Grand Lodges. The Grand Lodge of Indiana is proud to have facilitated the presentation of this award to many of our members.
The award will be presented to a Master Mason who is currently a registered Scouter and active in a Scout unit, district, council, or national affiliate, and has displayed outstanding dedication to the Scouting program through: -developing of Scouting units; -assisting lodges in forming units; -exemplifying the Scout Law and Masonic virtues; recruiting Scouting volunteers; -strengthening the relationship between Freemasonry and Scouting. -Work accomplishment and dedication, rather than a specific number of years in Scouting, will be the criteria for this award.
About Dan Beard
Freemasonry’s relationship with the Scouts BSA started with a Freemason named Daniel Carter Beard. Bro. Beard was made a Mason in Mariner’s Lodge No. 67, New York City, NY, and later affiliated with Cornucopia Lodge 563, Flushing, NY. In the late 1800’s, he founded a male youth program called the “Society of the Sons of Daniel Boone.” By 1905, the program had become “The Boy Pioneers.” Lord Robert Baden-Powell, who was not a Mason, read of Beard’s program. Baden-Powell, based on his own military experience, developed what was known as the “Boy Scouts” in Great Brittan. In 1910, the Boy Scout program came to America when Bro. Beard merged “The Boy Pioneers “into the “Boy Scouts of America” and became its first National Commissioner. Bro. Beard, known affectionately as “Uncle Dan” by millions of Boy Scouts, worked tirelessly to create the Scouting Program that we know today. He developed the elements of the Scout badge & uniform and wrote and illustrated various early publications of the Boy Scouts of America. Bro. Beard exemplified the Masonic ideals throughout the Scouting program.
Tony Harvey, Past Master was the 2012 Prestonian Lecturer. He has a book and presentation entitled 'Scouting & Freemasonry: two parallel organizations?'
Click here to learn more about the prestigious Prestonian Lectures.
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Scouting-Freemasonry.../dp/B07DKG4CNL