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The Order of the Eastern Star
The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) was created to be a Masonic-style organization open to women, without simply being a copy, parody, or rip-off of the Masonic degrees. The ritual of the OES is similar in structure to the ceremonies of the Masonic lodge, yet different enough that it can’t be called a simple rewrite.
The Order of the Eastern Star is open to men who are Master Masons and female relatives, spouses, and descendants of Master Masons. The Order’s teachings use characters from both the Old and New Testaments, and it is essentially a Christian-based organization, although non-Christians are certainly welcome to join. Like Freemasonry, only a belief in a Supreme Being is required.
The International Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem
Despite its name, the International Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem isn’t affiliated with the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. It is a completely independent group. It’s open to Master Masons and their female relatives, and it’s an overtly Christian organization. Members must profess a belief in Christianity and a willingness to defend it.
White Shrine’s symbol is a star, a shepherd’s crook, and a cross, with the Latin motto, In Hoc Signo Spes Mea (“In This Sign Is My Hope”). Members refer to each other as Sojourners.
The Social Order of the Beauceant
The Social Order of the Beauceant (pronounced bo-see-ont) is unusual in American Masonry because it doesn’t require or even admit men. It’s an organization of women limited to the wives and widows of Knights Templar.
The Social Order was founded in Denver, Colorado, in 1890 as a support group for the local Templar Commandery, and the ladies never disbanded. They continued to meet to help their husbands and just to enjoy each other’s company. In 1913, they decided to change the name to something more templary, and decided on the Social Order of the Beauceant, using the same initials.
Order of the Amaranth
(Adapted from http://amaranth.org/NewHistory.asp, 2010)
The Order of the Amaranth is a fraternal organization composed of Master Masons and their properly qualified female relatives. In its teachings, the members are emphatically reminded of their duties to God, to their country, and to their fellow beings. They are urged to portray, by precept and example, their belief in the "Golden Rule," and by conforming to the virtues inherent in TRUTH, FAITH, WISDOM, and CHARITY, they can prove to others the goodness promulgated by the Order.
The extent of its Charitable Work and overall Benevolence is limited only by the opportunities that exist, and the ability to secure adequate funding. Its Philanthropic project is the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation. The flag of the appropriate country is prominently displayed at all meetings creating a strong sentiment of patriotism and devotion to the respective land that we love.
Conspicuously upon the Altar is placed the Holy Bible, the inspired word of God. Its divine truths send forth its sacred luster to all parts of the globe and is used among us as a symbol of the will of God. It reminds us of the omnipresence of the "Almighty" overshadowing us with His Divine Love and dispensing His blessings among us.
The leaves of the Amaranth plant (like the "Laurel") is indicative of distinction and honor, and when formed into the "Amaranthine Wreath" with its never-ending circle, is typical of the bond of fraternal friendship which encircles our beloved order and which has a central place upon our Standard (Ceremonial Flag), surrounding the "Crown and Sword".