Grand Master's & His Lady's Pin
Masonic Term Beginning:
Lady Caroline’s Pin
This year, as Grand Lady of Masons in Indiana, I have chosen the symbol of the butterfly with the Breast Cancer Ribbon with Hope emblazoned on the ribbon. Being a breast cancer survivor for sixteen years, the butterfly means new beginnings and hope to all women that are facing challenges with breast cancer everyday. As we begin our Masonic journey this year, I hope and pray for good health, joy and peace in everyone’s life.
Grand Lady: Caroline Morgan
Grand Master David’s Pin
The light of Freemasonry is on display for all the world to see through us. My pin pronounces the theme “Be The Light” overarching the words “Indiana Freemason”. Centrally located are the Compass and Square with its heart, the letter G, representing the The Supreme Architect of the Universe. The encircling wreath are sprigs of acacia woven together, unending, which represents that imperishable part of man and immortality of the soul.
Grand Master: David G. Morgan
Note: We would like to thank RWB John Bridegroom for his gift of graphic design to turn our ideas into a reality.